4 Signs Your Window Hardware Needs to be Repaired


While a broken window in need of repair may be obvious in some instances, there are times when it will take more investigation to determine if anything is wrong. With a quick inspection, you should be able to determine if it’s time for a window repair or if your house is ready to withstand the elements of the incoming season. Here are a few issues to look out for when inspecting your windows. 

Feel a Draft

A draft coming from your windows is a sure sign that something is amiss with your window. Check to ensure the window is closed, and then look for any obvious signs of why there would be a draft. 

Windows are drafty if the installer did not seal them properly or if that sealant has begun to wear with usage. You can also look to see if the locking mechanism has any apparent signs of damage. Any draft is bad for your house, so you’ll want to get the issue repaired as soon as possible. 

Fog in the Windows

If your windows regularly fog up in the morning or have condensation trapped inside that won’t go away, this is a sure sign that you have some damage that needs a quick fix. The most likely issue is damage to the wood frame or a crack in the glass that allows the condensation to get inside and reduce your vision through the window. 

Difficulty Opening or Closing

Windows should be easy to open and close. If you’re having trouble closing or locking your windows, it may be that some part of the window has rusted and isn’t working properly. This is a sure sign to call someone to repair your window, as slamming your window shut to get it closed can cause other issues down the road. 

Loud Noises

Windows, when they’re working at full repair, should block out most noise from the outside. While some noise will bleed through, if you notice things are getting louder in your house from outdoor noise pollution, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your windows. 

Noise pollution is likely a sign of an insulation and sealing issue. Poorly insulated windows can add expenses to your utility bills as well. 

Window Makeover Atlanta: Window Repair You Can Count On

If you notice any of these issues with your windows, it may be time for a repair. Our team at Window Makeover Atlanta can help, so contact us to learn how we can repair your windows.  

Let's talk! By choosing repair over replacement you could save up to 70% in costs.

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