Choosing the Right Window Hardware
When installing, replacing, or even upgrading windows, one important aspect you might overlook is the window hardware. Proper window hardware can help you stay secure and protect your interior from the elements that your window ought to be shielding you from. Your window simply won’t work properly if the hardware is faulty or ill-fitting for the type of window that you have. We’ll go over the different hardware and what you should choose for your windows.
A window latch allows you to open or lock your window. Different windows require different latches, and a broken latch can make it impossible to properly close your window, exposing you to the elements.
Hung windows, which slide up and down, need at least two latches to keep the sashes in place when needed. The sash is the part that moves, and the latches will allow you to close and hold these sashes down.
Casement windows need casement latches. A latch is necessary because a casement window swings open, and the latches open and lock the hinges in place, allowing or preventing the window from opening.
Handles, Lifts, and Cranks
Being able to open and move a window is an important aspect of most windows, and the hardware that provides this action can change depending on the type of window. Knowing the type of window you have will help you pick the right hardware for the job.
Hung windows use lifts, which raise and lower the sash.
Casement windows and awning windows both use cranks, which you then turn to open and close the window.
Sliding windows, which move from side to side, use handles instead.
Window Frames
The window frame surrounds the glass and seals the window in place, preventing you from being affected by the elements. In a lot of cases, the window frame doesn’t depend on the window type, but it’s still important to know about the hardware.
If a window frame is damaged, then your window won’t be able to do the job of protecting you. Getting it replaced or repaired is a must to ensure that you stay protected from the elements and to ensure that your window stays in place.
Other Things To Consider
The right hardware is the hardware that works for you on multiple levels without causing problems or falling apart easily. While functionality and window type is the primary concern, you should also consider the window’s hardware in terms of the rest of the house. This includes looking aesthetically pleasing. It also includes being able to fit furniture and curtains nearby without getting in the way of people or objects outside and ensuring it fits your budget.
For example, a simple wooden frame might be practical, but it doesn’t always look good. The right frame, in this case, might be one that’s painted a more suitable color. Or, the frame could be made of a more interesting and sturdy material. In some cases, it might be as simple as getting a professional finish on the hardware to make it look nicer, while in other cases, you might need something better suited for the spot your window’s in or the area you live in.
Window Repair Services
If you need your window and its hardware repaired, Window Makeover Atlanta can help. Contact us today to learn more.